6 Amazing Websites For Developers That You Don’t Know Till Yet.

6 Amazing Websites For Developers That You Don’t Know Till Yet.

posted Originally published at medium.com 7 min read

Hello everyone what’s up , Belated Happy New Year to everyone!! I know it’s been a while, more than three weeks have passed since the year started, but I hope 2025 would be amazing for you so far.

So in this blog I will introduce you to 6 websites that you probably haven’t heard of yet but are incredibly helpful for anyone involved in programming and web development they’re all free to use and I bet most of them didn’t know about it. Also, stick it till the very end for the bonus website. And tell me how many of you bookmark the website. Let’s get started.

  1. https://uiverse.io

First and foremost a fabulous web tool that will help you considerably with your web design if you’re working on websites you may have to deal with web design of course you can rely on Classics like material design Tailwind UI bootstrap which work well and are intuitive for the users however if you want to stand out with unique UI components.

I highly recommend https://uiverse.io/ to visit this is a gem for frontend developer belongs them because it has over 4,000 different UI components designed with HTML and CSS only some even with table and CSS all components are MIT licensed meaning if you like them you can just copy and use them there’s a fantastic selection of buttons check boxes toggles switches loaders inputs and much more some components are just stylish.

While others are truly unique with amazing additionally there’s a live editor where you can try out code adjustments directly and if you’re a CSS artist yourself you can also publish your own UI components on uiverse.io overall it’s a fantastic website that can make your projects look extraordinary.

  1. https://designer.mocky.io

For those of you working with API’s which probably includes most of you you often find yourself in situations where a server you need for development is unavailable or a new feature hasn’t been implemented in the API yet this is where mocks come in handy but it can be cumbersome if you don’t have the right tooling

https://designer.mocky.io/ is a tool that can help with that with mock any kind of API for you and can create a mock response quickly and for free without registration and with just a few clicks you can select the response status code content type char-set headers and of course the body for example as Jason and that’s just it you’ll get an URL that returns exactly that response mocky io doesn’t have many features but often you don’t need more one downside is though that you can’t edit existing mocks, but you can just create a new one if you need a different response I think the service is great and I use it for sometimes.

  1. https://readme.so/

And now let’s move on to the next web tool which is particularly interesting for those who struggle with writing documentation read me files are great for those who read them but if you have to create them it’s often a tedious task not only because documentation isn’t the most popular task for software developers but also because it’s not always easy to use the right structure and markdown syntax For the second time, I am including this website. If you missed it the first time, you can read the blog here.

this is where readme.so comes in this web tool is essentially a readme editor it provides a live preview which is very useful what makes readme.so shine is its predefined sections that you can insert with a single click.

if you have forgotten how to format code examples or if you want to add batches for example you can just click on the respective section the template is then added to your document moreover if you need inspiration for what content and structure your read me should have read me as is a great help you can edit and rearrange the sections of your document individually and once you’re done with your document you can download it with one click which is super simple, free and useful.

  1. https://carbon.now.sh/

Let’s continue https://carbon.now.sh/ is a fantastic web tool that allows you to create beautiful screenshots of your code this is especially useful if you need to create technical documentation or if you’re blogging or giving presentations it’s also great for just sharing code Snippets with any one out there.

It’s simply very appealing when you can present your code Snippets well you can choose from various predefined Style that look great but you can also make individual design adjustments such as changing the background color text size spacing and much more once you’re satisfied with your creation you can save the image as a PNG or even as a vector graphic which I find very useful you can also save the configuration via the URL and there’s even a code format included overall I think carbon is a great tool easy to use without registration and for Free.

  1. Favicon Generator -> https://realfavicongenerator.net

When finalizing your website or web application, you might realize that the favicon is still missing. Determining the required formats, sizes, and integration process can be a challenge.

So I’m assuming you already have use of this site called https://favicon.io/ where you just need a couple of minutes to create a favicon but all the features and functionality is just a basics.

So I introduction you a little bit of advance Favicon generator, called Real Favicon Generator proves invaluable. Simply upload your logo, and the tool will convert it into all the necessary formats for desktop browsers, smartphones, and even progressive web apps (PWAs).

It ensures compatibility across various platforms, including iOS, Android, and Windows. You can download everything in one go, including the integration code tailored to your specific needs.

Even if you don’t have a logo, the site allows you to generate entirely new favicons by entering text or abbreviations, choosing your preferred colors, and selecting a Google font.

Advanced features include testing how your favicon will look on different devices, ensuring pixel-perfect results, and even generating high-resolution icons for retina displays.

Additionally, it supports adding metadata for web apps, such as manifest files, to enhance user experience. It’s an incredibly convenient and free service that I highly recommend for both basic and advanced favicon requirements.

  1. https://devdocs.io

last but definitely not least dev docs especially if you value efficiency in your development work I highly recommend this web tool there is a vast collection of software documentation whether it’s Angular, Docker , Shell Python or React.

Whatever you’ll likely find what you’re looking for regarding the Technologies you work with but what exactly does that and do offer with this tool you have various documentation in one place you don’t have to Google or search for your bookmarks for the right website you will find what you want to look up.

It is very easy to find it because the side and navigation are designed for Speed you can navigate entirely with the keyboard and a range of shortcuts is available everything is presented uniformly and clearly you can of course pre-select the Technologies you want to search so you don’t get results that aren’t relevant to you.

This documentation is also available offline and if you want to access the original Source you can do so with a click I really encourage you to try devdocs.io and get familiar with the navigation it’s really really practical.

✨Bonus site

So here is a bonus one who are reading till here and supporting my work , presenting you a site which has 24x7 low-fi music with out any ads or tracker and website called https://coderadio.freecodecamp.org/

A 24x7 radio for who listing music's while doing coding as it is alternative to Spotify or YouTube music's where some time might get distracted due to some non instrumental music or the most annoyed is there Ads, so in this site doesn’t have any ads as it is backed by free Code Camp I would suggest you to try it once while coding session i guarantee that you would be on focus mode and the most productivity session would be there.

and that’s it for this article , Clap if you read it till the very end & found something new then I would love to hear your feedback in comments below please also consider subscribing as that helps me a lot to create more such informative articles until then see you next time.

connect with me


Blogging Site: paruidev.com

Portfolio : portfolio.paruidev.com

Twitter https://twitter.com/parui_pratap

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If you read this far, tweet to the author to show them you care. Tweet a Thanks
Hey, this is such a great list! I’ve used tools like Carbon and DevDocs before, but I had no idea about Uiverse and Mocky.io—those look super useful. And that bonus Code Radio is such a vibe for coding sessions; I’m definitely trying it out. Thanks for sharing, and Happy New Year to you too! Looking forward to more posts like this!
Thanks by sharing those amazing websites!
Your are most welcome
"Thank you very much for your kind words! I'm glad you found the list helpful and discovered some new tools. Uiverse and Mocky.io are definitely game-changers, and CoderRadio is perfect for getting in the zone while coding. Let me know how they work out for you! & stay tuned for more posts coming your way!
Unique websites can introduce workflows or shortcuts that significantly improve efficiency, allowing developers to focus on more complex tasks.
Yes absolutely correct

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