Build a Discord python assistant with plain Langchain

Build a Discord python assistant with plain Langchain

posted 7 min read

1. Introduction

Discord is one of the most widespread instant-messaging services, especially when it comes to developers: its structure and internal organization into servers and channels made it easy to use with large community and extremely popular all across the world.

But Discord is more than just the blue-ish icon on your desktop: it indeed comes with lots of integrations for developers, such as applications and bots. In today's tutorial, we will see how we can build an AI-powered bot, in pure and simple python, with the help of Langchain, a widespread and appreciated library to build scalable AI products through composability.

2. Setup

2a. Folder

For the setup, let's begin with structuring our base folder. To do so, I strongly suggest you navigate to my GitHub repository and either take a look to article5 directory or you clone it with:

git clone
cd coderlegion/article5

Here you will see something like this:

├── .env.example
├── requirements.txt

Let's take a look to what these file do:

  • .env.example (make sure to rename it to .env) is thd file where you safely store and secure private environmental variables.
  • is the script which builds the bot and makes it run
  • contains the actual Langchain structure to power the bot with AI
  • requirements.txt contains the necessary packages to be installed
  • utils.pydefines a class to search the vector database we will build in the next steps (more about vector databases at Vector databases explained).

2b. Dependencies

You will have to install the needed dependencies, and the easiest way to do it is to copy requirements.txt to your local folder and run:

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Let's see what packages we need:

  • transformers and sentence-transformers are used to tokenize and encode (which means represent as multi-dimensional numerical arrays) users' messages to query the vector database
  • langchain-related packages are needed to build the AI architecture, interact with Cohere and give the bot some conversational memory.
  • is the Discord python SDK
  • vecs is the python integration for Supabase (that we already used in the last tutorial)
  • pydotenv is used to load environmental variables from the .env file.

2c. Vector Database

We will build our vector database with the help of Supabase and with the Hugging Face dataset dipesh/python-code-ds-mini, by Dipesh Paul, which encompasses 2200 python code instances.

In order to do it, we will follow this GitHub Gist.

In order to make the Gist code run properly, you just need to:

  • Register to Supabase (you can quickly sign up with GitHub)
  • Create your first project
  • Navigate to Project Settings and then Database, where you should copy the Connection string, making sure to replace the postgres:// heading with postgresql://.
  • Open the Gist in Google Colab
  • Copy the Connection string into a Colab Secret (under the key sign) named "TINY_CODES_DB"

Now just run all the blocks in Colab and you'll have the vector database built in 10 minutes' time!

Make sure also to save the Connection string under supabase_database variable in your .env file!

2d. Discord Bot

Follow these simple steps to build the Discord bot container:

  • Go to Discord and create an account (or log into yours, if you already have one)
  • Create a new server by clicking on "Add a server" (a big green "+" button) and name it as you want
  • Go to Discord developers portal and click on "New application"
  • Name your application, then save the changes and click on "Bot", on the left
  • There you will get the chance to name your bot and copy its token
  • After that, go on "OAuth2" > "URL generator" and generate a URL that you will paste in your navigation bar, to add the bot to your newly created server.

Now paste the bot token and your server's channel ID (the last numeric combination you see in the URL of your channel) to your .env file, as discord_token and discord_channel.

The bot is created, but it is unresponsive; this is because we only generated an external facade, with no backbone to sustain it: it's now time to fill it with life thanks some python code.

2e. Cohere API key

Getting a Cohere free API key is really simple: you need to register on their website (you can exploit signing up with GitHub also here) and then head over to the API keys section, where you could generate a free key that has a 100 calls/min limit.

Copy the key and save it to your .env file, as cohere_api_key.

3. Build with Langchain

In this section, we're gonna modify

3a. Build the Cohere model

In order to connect with Cohere, you need to import the needed packages:

from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate, MessagesPlaceholder
from langchain_cohere import ChatCohere
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import os
from langchain_community.chat_message_histories import SQLChatMessageHistory
from langchain_core.runnables.history import RunnableWithMessageHistory

And then we load the environmental variables, get Cohere API key and load the chat model:

os.environ["COHERE_API_KEY"]  = os.getenv("cohere_api_key") 
model = ChatCohere()

We now need to actually build it into some sort of conversational chain, so we first define a system template (variables in brackets will be passed as arguments to the following block, so they get re-defined at every call):

system_template = "You are an helpful coding assistant that can rely on this code: {context} and on the previous message history as context, and from that you build a context and history-aware reply to this (DO NOT mention the fact that you are starting from a code snippet):"
TIP: This portion is critical for getting the best out of the chat model: customize it to your needs!

And then a prompt template and the chain:

prompt_template = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(
    [("system", system_template),
    ("human", "{input}")]
chain = prompt_template | model

3b. Chat Memory

Chat memory is crucial for the bot to remember the previous messages during a conversation, so we need to add it with:

def get_session_history(session_id):
    return SQLChatMessageHistory(session_id, "sqlite:///memory1.db")
runnable_with_history = RunnableWithMessageHistory(

session_id is an alphanumeric code associated with each session of activity of the bot: each session is independent and there is no common knowledge across them.

3c. Inference

Now that we have all set, we can define a inference function with which we query Cohere's model and we retrieve the answers:

def infer_reply(context, text, sessionid):
    global chain
    r = runnable_with_history.invoke(
        {"context": context, "input": text},
        config={"configurable": {"session_id": sessionid}}
    return r.content

4. Vector Database Search

To search the vector database, we define a NeuralSearcher class inside, which is the same as the one we used in last tutorial:

class NeuralSearcher:
    def __init__(self, collection, encoder):
        self.collection = collection
        self.encoder = encoder
    def search(self, text):
        results = self.collection.query(
            data=self.encoder.encode(text).tolist(), limit=1, filters={}, measure="cosine_distance", include_value=True, include_metadata=True,
        return results

5. Discord Bot

We have everything in place now, so we can actually import the needed packages in and define some global variables and the Discord client:

from discord import Client, Intents
from utils import NeuralSearcher
import os
import vecs
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
from inference import infer_reply
import time
import random as r

collection_name = "documents"
encoder = SentenceTransformer("all-MiniLM-L6-v2")
client = os.getenv("supabase_database")
vx = vecs.create_client(client)
docs = vx.get_or_create_collection(name=collection_name, dimension=384)
rand_sess_id = str(r.randint(1,100)) + r.choice(["a", "e", "i", "o", "u"])
CHANNEL_ID = int(os.getenv("discord_channel"))
TOKEN = os.getenv("discord_token")
intents = Intents.default()
intents.messages = True
bot = Client(intents=intents)
NOTE: A unique session_id is set here at the beginning of the code, and will be re-set every time we start the bot

Now let's tell the bot what to do when it connects to our channel:

async def on_ready():
    channel = bot.get_channel(CHANNEL_ID)
    if channel:
        # Send the welcome message
        await channel.send(f"Hi, I'm here to assist you!")
        print("Unable to find the specified channel ID. Make sure the ID is correct and the bot has the necessary permissions.")
NOTE: The expression starting with '@' is known as a decorator

Last but not least, we define a function that produces the context for Cohere chat model (which discards contexts with less than 25% similarity with the query), a function to reply to the users' query and we make the bot run:

def get_context(results):
    if results[0][1] > 0.25:
        return results[0][2]["Content"]
        return "There is no specific context for this query"

def reply(message):
    global docs
    global encoder
    txt2txt = NeuralSearcher(docs, encoder)
    results =
    context = get_context(results)
    response = infer_reply(context, message, rand_sess_id)
    return response

async def on_message(message):
    if == bot.user:
    elif message.content:
        response = reply(message.content)

Ok, everything is ready! We go to the terminal and launch the bot with:


Then we wait for the connection to be established and for the welcome message by the bot.

6. Conclusion

In this tutorial, we learnt how to build a free, personal coding assistant that is able to help you fix python snippets, all accessible through a popular messaging platform like Discord.

The bot was built using plain Langchain and some other not-too-difficult python code, so it is beginner friendly!

This article concludes the series dedicated to python-backed bots: hope you enjoyed it!

If you read this far, tweet to the author to show them you care. Tweet a Thanks
This is really crisp and informative article to get started with Discord AI bots. I can already think of several ways this can be extended for more advanced use cases.

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