1. Introduction
In my last post, we saw how to build a production-ready Telegram bot, although it was really simple: it could only handle three commands and gave standardized responses!
In this post, we want to explore more in depth the possibility to:
- Build a conversational bot
- Give task and user-specific responses
We will do this exploiting several resources, first of all a machine learning framework and secondly the conversational architecture made available by the `python-telegram-bot` package
2. Setup
2a. Folder Setup
Before we start building everything, it is good to have a well-structured folder to start with. You can find all the data and the code we need for this tutorial in my CoderLegion-themed GitHub repository (make sure to give it a star!), under the article2 directory, and we will follow that directory's structure as a blueprint:
- bot.py will be the code to make the bot work
- italian_cities.csv will be the data on which we train out machine-learning model
- ml_framework.py will be our machine learning model training and testing script
- model.joblib will be the storage for the trained ML model
- pdfs files will be the informative material for our use-case
- users.csv will be the user registry for our use-case
For this use case, we will imagine to be a travel agency organizing trips to three cities in Italy (Rome, Florence and Courmayeur).
2b. Look At The Data
italian_cities.csv is a comma-separated values file (csv) that gathers data from 300 trips made by people to the three Italian cities of interest to us. These data encompass:
- Traveler's age
- Travel target (alone, couple, group, family)
- Transportation method and cost
- Accommodation type and cost
- Duration of the stay
These records are NOT real (and they do not even resemble reality), I made them up just for this tutorial and they should be used only for learning purposes.
2c. Install Necessary Dependencies
We already installed
, now we need to install the other dependencies for this tutorial:
python3 -m pip install pandas scikit-learn joblib
pandas will help us visualizing and loading the data, scikit-learn will be used to analyze them and joblib to save and reload the ML model without having to retrain it every time we start the bot.
3. ML Framework
In this section, we'll be writing our code in
ml_framework.py: this script will help us firstly with the collection and processing of the data, and secondly with building and training the Machine Learning model.
3a. Load and Preprocess the Data
We load the data from the csv with pandas:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("italian_cities.csv")
And then we divide them between training features (X) and target features (y): I won't go through the specifics of machine learning, as I'm planning to explain these concepts in the next article series I will start after having finished the bot one. Nevertheless, you can imagine training and target features as like this: the training ones are the ingredients employed to bake a cake, the machine learning model represents the oven and the cake is the result we want to get out, or target.
X = df.drop(columns=["Destination"]) # features
y = df["Destination"] # target
We divide these data in a training and a testing batch:
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split #sklear = scikit-learn
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X,y,test_size=0.2,random_state=42)
3b. Train and Test the Model
For this tutorial, we'll be using a Decision Tree Classifier, which is definitely one of the simplest classifiers out there: to start things out, this will be enough. Again, I won't explain how this works: just trust my code and, if you'll bare with my posts, I will come to talking about this kind of concepts too!
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
model = DecisionTreeClassifier() # build the model
model = model.fit(X_train, y_train) # train it
Now we just have to test the model, and we will also have a look at its accuracy:
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, classification_report
y_pred = model.predict(X_test)
print(f"Accuracy is {accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred)}")
The output accuracy is perfect: 100 percent!
Now we just have to save the model, so that we will be able to use it in our Telegram bot!
import joblib
joblib.dump(model, "model.joblib")
4. The Bot
4a. Setup
Let's now build the bot! We already know how to generate a bot (we will call it ItalianTravelBot) and how to retrieve its API TOKEN from BotFather. We wil also need to load our machine-learning model and we will have to define some dictionaries to map the natural-language inputs we receive from the user's chat into numeric inputs for the ML algorithm, as well as other dictionaries to translate them back. We just do it into bot.py like this:
from telegram.ext import *
import pandas as pd
import joblib
MODEL = joblib.load("model.joblib") # load the model
TOKEN = "YOUR_TOKEN_HERE" #not-real token
USR_DF = {"Month": 0,"Duration(days)": 0,"Age": 0,"Target": 0,"Accommodation": 0,"Acc_cost": 0,"Transportation": 0,"Transp_cost": 0} # model input sample dictionary
1: "January",
2: "February",
3: "March",
4: "April",
5: "May",
6: "June",
7: "July",
8: "August",
9: "September",
10: "October",
11: "November",
12: "December"
} # number of month to natural-language month
# natural language to model input dictionaries :
TARGET2NUM = {"Alone": 0, "Couple": 1, "Group": 2, "Family": 3}
ACC2NUM = {'Hostel': 0, 'Hotel': 1, 'Airbnb': 2, 'Resort': 3, 'Vacation rental': 4, 'Guesthouse': 5, 'Villa': 6}
TRANSP2NUM = {'Bus': 0, 'Car': 1, 'Train': 2, 'Plane': 3}
The Conversational Architecture
Now we can begin with the really difficult part: the conversational architecture. To explain it, we need to think of a real-world conversation: when you are talking to another human, usually you memorize the last thing they said, and respond to them accordingly. The same thing goes with a conversational Telegram bot: it has to store the user's responses in order to use them in the next message.
The only difference with a human is that a conversational bot has a short-term memory (only the last message), whereas our brain gives us the access to the whole conversation history with another person.
A general conversational architecture, in a bot, is then set by a number of functions, identified by a unique id
, whose output is the input to the downstream function.
We will start by defining the ids for our conversational input-outputs:
And then we define our entry point, i.e. the /start
command function:
async def start_command(update, context):
user = update.message.from_user
await update.message.reply_text(f"Hi {user.first_name} {user.last_name}, and thank you so much for having chosen ItalianTravelBot as your assistant today!\nAs you may already know, we offer several travel options, of which three are available right now: Rome, Florence, Courmayeur... I'm here to help you choose the most suitable for your needs and desires, so let's start with an ice-breaking question: How old are you? (Reply with a number)")
return AGE
As you can see, it returns the first conversation input, which is AGE, that will be passed to the downstream function: the same will go with all the other functions, except for the last one, which will return ConversationHandler.END
Before we define all the functions in our code, let's take a look to two examples of them, one used to extract numeric data from the chat and the other used to extract text data.
The age
async def age(update, context):
global USR_DF
age = int(update.message.text)
USR_DF["Age"] = [age]
await update.message.reply_text(f"Wow, {age} years old: that's nice! And in which month are you planning to go on vacation? (Reply with the month number)")
return MONTH
Takes the text of the message sent by the user, turns it into an integer (the data type required by our model) and it stores it in USR_ DF
dictionary as a list object (this will help us later). It then return the input for the month
function (reported later in this post).
Let's now see how we handle text data, taking a look to the "Target" category, which encompasses: "Alone", "Couple", "Family" and "Group":
async def target(update, context):
global USR_DF
tar = update.message.text
USR_DF["Target"] = [TARGET2NUM[tar.capitalize()]]
await update.message.reply_text(f"{tar}, that's just perfect! And how are you planning to go there? We offer several options: Bus, Car, Plane, Train")
return TRANSP
The target
function takes as input the message sent by the user and maps it to a numerical index thanks to TARGET2NUM
dictionary, loading the numeric record into USR_DF
as a list.
Here come all the other functions, that are similarly structured:
async def transp(update, context):
global USR_DF
tra = update.message.text
USR_DF["Transportation"] = [TRANSP2NUM[tra.capitalize()]]
await update.message.reply_text(f"You wanna go by {tra.capitalize()}, got it! And how much do you plan to spend on transportation? Reply with a number")
async def transpcost(update, context):
global USR_DF
mon = int(update.message.text)
USR_DF["Transp_cost"] = [mon]
await update.message.reply_text(f"{mon}, that's a perfect match! Where are you planning to stay? We can offer: Hostel, Hotel, Airbnb, Resort, Vacation rental, Guesthouse, Villa. Reply exactly with one of these")
return ACC
async def acc(update, context):
global USR_DF
tar = update.message.text
USR_DF["Accommodation"] = [ACC2NUM[tar.capitalize()]]
await update.message.reply_text(f"{tar.capitalize()}, we got this one! And how much do you plan to spend on accommodation? Reply with a number")
return ACCOST
async def month(update, context):
global USR_DF
mon = int(update.message.text)
USR_DF["Month"] = [mon]
await update.message.reply_text(f"{NUM2MONTHS[mon]}, awesome! And how are you going to travel? Reply with one of this categories: Alone, Couple, Group, Family")
return TARGET
async def accost(update, context):
global USR_DF
mon = int(update.message.text)
USR_DF["Acc_cost"] = [mon]
await update.message.reply_text(f"{mon}, seems like everything is fitting perfectly! Last question: how long do you wanna stay? Reply with the number of days")
Let's now define the last function, the one that closes the conversation:
async def duration(update, context):
global USR_DF, CSV
mon = int(update.message.text)
USR_DF["Duration(days)"] = [mon]
await update.message.reply_text(f"Ok, got it! Just wait a few seconds and I'll tell you what is the best match for you!")
usrdf = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(USR_DF)
df = pd.read_csv(CSV)
merged = pd.concat([df, usrdf], axis=0, ignore_index=True)
merged.to_csv(CSV, index=False)
pred = MODEL.predict(usrdf)
await update.message.reply_text(f"The perfect destination for you is: {pred[0]}! Hope this was useful: in the next message you'll find the flyer with our offers for that city! :)")
flyer = f"{pred[0]}.pdf"
await update.message.reply_document(document=open(flyer, 'rb'))
return ConversationHandler.END
As you can see, the duration
function casts, on the fly, the USR_DF (which is a dictionary) to a pandas DataFrame (a data structure we will talk about in my future ML blog series): to make this change, the USR_DF dictionary should have strings as keys and lists as values (that explains why we loaded data as lists). We pass the DataFrame to the ML model, it predicts the best fitting option for us and returns a list, from which we take the first (and only) element. This element is then returned to the user, along with a PDF flyer that is titled with the name of the city. The duration
function also stores the user's data into a csv: we can decide to use those records to further fine-tune our ML model.
From all the functions defined above, we now need to build our conversation handler and add it to our bot, and we'll do it like this:
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Bot is up and running")
application = Application.builder().token(TOKEN).build()
conv_handler = ConversationHandler(
entry_points=[CommandHandler('start', start_command)],
AGE: [MessageHandler(filters.TEXT & ~filters.COMMAND, age)],
MONTH: [MessageHandler(filters.TEXT & ~filters.COMMAND, month)],
TARGET: [MessageHandler(filters.TEXT & ~filters.COMMAND, target)],
TRANSP: [MessageHandler(filters.TEXT & ~filters.COMMAND, transp)],
TRANSPCOST: [MessageHandler(filters.TEXT & ~filters.COMMAND, transpcost)],
ACC: [MessageHandler(filters.TEXT & ~filters.COMMAND, acc)],
ACCOST: [MessageHandler(filters.TEXT & ~filters.COMMAND, accost)],
DURATION: [MessageHandler(filters.TEXT & ~filters.COMMAND, duration)]
As you can see, we define the entry point (i.e. the start of our conversation) as the /start
command: after that, all the functions just take as input the outputs of the previous one.
We can now save everything and make the bot run:
python3 bot.py
Now we can chat with it! Just like this:

And we're done! We built a wonderful bot: it produces language effortlessly, it can handle a real-life conversation without seeming robotic, it is able to support and advise customers!
We did everything with little prior knowledge and we were able to build something that works and that is production-ready: we could just offer this bot as a solution to a travel agency, if we wanted!
In the next post, we will explore something even more powerful: an AI and RAG-powered telegram bot that helps you chat with your PDFs... Stay tuned!