How to link to a specific part of a page

How to link to a specific part of a page

posted 4 min read

Most people might think that hyperlinks are all about connecting two different websites, like a blog or a landing page, but hyperlinks don't stop there. You can also link to jump to a specific part of the same page. Linking is important in situations where the page is long and needs to refer the readers to the topic near the top of the page or far from the location where the user is reading. In this article, we will chat about how to link to a specific part of a page using HTML.

How to link to a specific part of a page?

Anchor links allow users to traverse the website pages. It helps you reach a specific topic easily. You can use named anchors to link to another part of the same page (such as quick navigation) or a specific section of another page. The best part is that it's very easy to do this yourself without extensive knowledge of HTML. If you find the HTML language confusing, follow the working example below.

Links can be found on almost any website. Links allow users to click from page to page. You can click a link to jump to another document. When you hover your mouse over a link, the mouse arrow changes to a small hand.

Tip: Links don't have to be text. Links can be images or other HTML elements.

The HTML anchor element a together with href attribute defines a hyperlink. It has the following syntax:

<a href="URL">link text</a>

The most important attribute of the element is the href attribute, which indicates the destination of the link. The link text is the part your readers will see. Clicking on the link text redirects the reader to the specified URL address.

<a href="">Visit!</a>


Allowing users to effectively "jump" to specific parts of your web page can help you grow your business and make your content more useful to your site visitors.

In a normal linking situation, everything that needs to be linked has its URL. However, in this scenario, you're not linking to a new page with its URL, you'll have to come up with a name for the destination. We recommend using a word or phrase that describes what the link is for. When using sentences, use underscores instead of spaces between each word. Otherwise, your code will not work.

Let's see how to use the tag to jump to a marked section of the page. It's easy!

Add an id attribute to the anchor element a to name the section of the page. Attribute values can be words or sentences (if you use sentences, don't use spaces, use hyphens or underscores instead).

<a id="anchor-name-a">The name where you want to jump</a>

Alternatively you can use the following type of anchor:

Anchor in the header:

<h2 id="anchor-name-h2">Section name h2</h2>

Anchor in the image:

<img id="anchor-name-img" src="/images/imgname.jpeg"/> 

Anchors in the paragraphs:

<p id="anchor-name-p">Paragraph name</p>
Tip: Make sure that each ID must appear only once on the page. The id value must be unique.

Create a hyperlink using a link target ID that starts with #

<a href="#anchor-name">Jump to the part of the page with the “anchor-name” id</a>

Here is a simple example.

<h2>How to link to a specific part of a page</h2>

<p id="linking-scenario">
Anchor links allow users to traverse the website pages. It helps you reach a specific topic easily.
You can use named anchors to link to another part of the same page (such as quick navigation) or 
a specific section of another page. The best part is that it's very easy to do yourself without
extensive knowledge of HTML.


In a normal linking scenario, everything that needs to be linked has its URL. However, in this scenario,
you're not linking to a new page with its URL, so you'll have to come up with a name for the destination.
We recommend using a word or phrase that describes what the link is for. When using sentences, use underscores
instead of spaces between each word. Otherwise, your code will not work.


This article provided instructions for <a href="#linking-scenario">linking</a> to specific parts of the page.
We've covered the rules that must be applied when creating global attributes such as id
which can be used for linking, styling, and many others. We also get acquainted with the use of the href
attribute with anchor element a to create a link to point to a URL. I hope you enjoy this article.

That line of code with anchor a:

<a href="#linking-scenario">linking</a> ...

when clicked, would bring the user to a view starting from the line:

<p id="linking-scenario"> ...


This article provided instructions for linking to specific parts of the page. We've covered the rules that must be applied when creating global attributes such as id which can be used for linking, styling, and many others. We also get acquainted with the use of href attribute with anchor element a to create a link to point to a URL such as web pages, location to the same page, and others. I hope you enjoy this article.


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