Building a Calculator using tkinter

posted 9 min read

When working on a basic calculator with Tkinter, a widely-used GUI toolkit for Python, Tkinter streamlines the incorporation of user-friendly elements such as buttons, entries, grids, and custom styles that are necessary for crafting graphical user interfaces, making it particularly well-suited for applications. Its simplicity and efficiency in managing user interactions make it an ideal choice for projects of this nature.

Creating the Calculator

Now let us actually dive into the process of building the calculator, one step at a time. All the required steps are given below; follow them one by one, and you will be able to develop an efficient and interactive calculator.

Step 1: Setting Up Environment

Before we start building our calculator, ensure that you have Python installed on your system. To do so, the following section gives a short guide on the steps to be followed for different platforms.

For Windows:

  1. Download and install Python from the official website
  2. Verify by running the following command:

     python --version

For Linux:

  1. Open terminal and copy and paste the code

     sudo apt-get update
     sudo apt-get install python3
  2. Once installed verify by running the following command

     python --version

For MacOs:

  1. Download and install Python from the official website
  2. For reference Steps to install python on MacOs

Next, we need to install Tkinter, which is included with Python by default. So, there's no need to install it separately

Step 2: Importing Libraries

In Python, the tkinter module is used for creating GUI applications.
Now let's import these required libraries along with other required modules:

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import messagebox


tkinter: This module provides classes and functions for creating GUI applications.

messagebox: This submodule allows us to display message boxes for showing information or prompting the user for confirmation.

Step 3: Creating the Calculator Class

Create a class called class Calculator that will represent our calculator application:

class Calculator:
    def __init__(self, master):
        self.master = master
        self.master.title("Simple Calculator")
        self.master.resizable(False, False)

    def create_widgets(self):
        # Create entry widget for displaying input and results
        self.entry = tk.Entry(self.master, width=20, font=('Arial', 14), bd=5, justify="right")
        self.entry.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=4, padx=10, pady=10)

        # Define buttons
        buttons = [
            ('7', 1, 0), ('8', 1, 1), ('9', 1, 2), ('/', 1, 3),
            ('4', 2, 0), ('5', 2, 1), ('6', 2, 2), ('*', 2, 3),
            ('1', 3, 0), ('2', 3, 1), ('3', 3, 2), ('-', 3, 3),
            ('0', 4, 0), ('.', 4, 1), ('=', 4, 2), ('+', 4, 3)

        # Create buttons using a loop
        for (text, row, col) in buttons:
            button = tk.Button(self.master, text=text, width=5, height=2, 
            font=('Arial', 14), command=lambda t=text: self.on_button_click(t))
            button.grid(row=row, column=col, padx=5, pady=5)


The init method in the Calculator class sets up the basic features of the calculator when it's first created. It's like laying out the blueprint for how the calculator will look and work. The master part helps position the calculator in the right place on the screen. self.master.title("Simple Calculator") gives the calculator window a name, like "Simple Calculator". The self.master.geometry("300x400") part determines how big the calculator window will be, making sure it's neither too small nor too big. The lineself.master.resizable(False, False) prevents users from changing the size of the calculator window, keeping it neat and tidy. Finally, self.create_widgets() starts the process of actually creating all the buttons and numbers you see on the calculator screen. It's like setting up the stage before the show begins. So, with all these steps, the calculator is ready to go when you open it up!

Widget Creation

The create_widgets method orchestrates the construction of the calculator's user interface, beginning with the establishment of an entry widget named self.entry for displaying input and results, meticulously configured with specific attributes such as width, font size, border width, and text alignment. Positioned within the window using the grid method, this entry widget ensures clarity and organization of numerical data. Subsequently, utilizing a list named buttons containing tuples of button details, the method dynamically generates button widgets for each entry within the list. These buttons, equipped with attributes such as text labels and dimensions, are seamlessly integrated into the window using the grid method, with each button assigned a command to execute the on_button_click method upon interaction, passing the corresponding button text as an argument. Through meticulous placement and configuration, the create_widgets method establishes a coherent and functional user interface, essential for intuitive interaction and efficient calculation.

Step 4: Implementing Button Click Functionality

Next, we define the on_button_click() method to handle button clicks:

def on_button_click(self, text):
     if text == '=':
              result = eval(self.entry.get())
              self.entry.delete(0, tk.END)
              self.entry.insert(tk.END, str(result))
          except Exception as e:
              messagebox.showerror("Error", "Invalid Input")

          elif text == 'C':
              self.entry.delete(0, tk.END)

              self.entry.insert(tk.END, text)


In this block of code, several conditional statements and actions are executed based on the text of the clicked button within the calculator interface. First, there's a check to see if the button text is equal to '=' (the equal sign). If so, the mathematical expression entered in the entry widget (self.entry) is evaluated using the eval() function, and the result is stored in the result variable. The contents of the entry widget are then cleared using self.entry.delete(0, tk.END), and the calculated result is inserted into the entry widget using self.entry.insert(tk.END, str(result)). In case an exception occurs during evaluation, it's caught using a try-except block, and an error message box is displayed using messagebox.showerror("Error", "Invalid Input"). Lastly, the text of the clicked button is inserted into the entry widget at the end (tk.END) using self.entry.insert(tk.END, text), allowing users to append their input string. These actions ensure proper functionality and user feedback within the calculator interface, facilitating smooth interaction and accurate computation.

Step 5: Driver Function

Lastly, we need to create an instance of the Calculator class and run the main event loop:

 if __name__ == "__main__":
     root = tk.Tk()
     app = Calculator(root)


The line if __name__ == "__main__" serves as a conditional statement that ensures that the subsequent code block is executed only if the Python script is directly run by the interpreter, rather than being imported as a module into another script. Following this condition, root = tk.Tk() initializes a new instance of the Tkinter Tk class, establishing the main window or root window for the graphical user interface (GUI) application. This window acts as a container for all other GUI elements to be displayed. Subsequently, app = Calculator(root) creates an instance of the Calculator class, utilizing the root window as an argument, thereby initializing the calculator application within this main window. Lastly, root.mainloop() initiates the Tkinter event loop, a critical component that continuously listens for user interactions, such as button clicks and window resizing, effectively maintaining the responsiveness of the GUI. This function call essentially blocks further script execution until the main window is closed by the user, ensuring the seamless functioning of the GUI application.

Step 6: Outcome of Implementation


Code snippet

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import messagebox

class Calculator:
    def __init__(self, master):
        self.master = master
        self.master.title("Simple Calculator")
        self.master.resizable(False, False)

    # creating the widgets
    def create_widgets(self):
        # Create entry widget for displaying input and results
        self.entry = tk.Entry(
            self.master, width=20, font=("Arial", 14), bd=5, justify="right"
        self.entry.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=4, padx=10, pady=10)

        # Define buttons
        buttons = [
            ("7", 1, 0),
            ("8", 1, 1),
            ("9", 1, 2),
            ("/", 1, 3),
            ("4", 2, 0),
            ("5", 2, 1),
            ("6", 2, 2),
            ("*", 2, 3),
            ("1", 3, 0),
            ("2", 3, 1),
            ("3", 3, 2),
            ("-", 3, 3),
            ("0", 4, 0),
            (".", 4, 1),
            ("=", 4, 2),
            ("+", 4, 3),

        # Create buttons using a loop
        for text, row, col in buttons:
            button = tk.Button(
                font=("Arial", 14),
                command=lambda t=text: self.on_button_click(t),
            button.grid(row=row, column=col, padx=5, pady=5)

    # funtion creation for on click feature
    def on_button_click(self, text):
        if text == "=":
                result = eval(self.entry.get())
                self.entry.delete(0, tk.END)
                self.entry.insert(tk.END, str(result))
            except Exception as e:
                messagebox.showerror("Error", "Invalid Input")

        elif text == "C":
            self.entry.delete(0, tk.END)

            self.entry.insert(tk.END, text)

    # main funtion is defined                
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        root = tk.Tk()
        app = Calculator(root)

Understanding Code Functionality

  • When the calculator starts, it creates a window with an entry widget. This widget is where you can input numbers and view the results.

  • The calculator has buttons for digits from 0 to 9, the decimal point '.', and arithmetic operations like addition '+', subtraction '-', multiplication '*', and division '/'. These buttons are arranged in a grid layout.

Tip: Implement input validation to avoid potential security vulnerabilities or crashes.
  • When a button is clicked, it triggers the on_button_click function. If the button is an arithmetic operation or a digit, it adds that value to the entry widget. If the button is '=' (equal sign), it evaluates the expression in the entry widget and displays the result. If it's 'C' (clear), it clears the entry widget.

  • When '=' is pressed, it tries to evaluate the expression entered in the entry widget using Python's eval() function. If the expression is valid, it computes the result and displays it in the entry widget. If there's an error, such as invalid input or division by zero, it shows an error message.

Warning: Avoid using the eval() function with untrusted input to prevent code injection vulnerabilities.
  • The program keeps running in a loop, waiting for user interactions, until the window is closed.

  • Users can input numbers and perform arithmetic operations by clicking the respective buttons. They can clear the input by clicking 'C' and get the result by clicking '='.

Calculator Functionality Flowchart

Following is an illustration of the functionality of a simple calculator program through a clear and logical flowchart.


Testing Result

Testing 1        Testing 2

Possible Errors that might occur

In building a calculator using Tkinter, potential errors include syntax mistakes, input validation issues, and challenges with complex operations. Effective debugging is crucial for ensuring the calculator functions reliably. Have a look at some of the problems along with their solutions that are listed below.

Division by zero error:

Problem: If the user divides by zero, Python will raise a ZeroDivisionError.

Invalid Input

Solution: Handle division by zero within the try-except block.

    result = eval(self.entry.get())
    if result == float('inf'):
         messagebox.showerror("Error", "Division by zero")
        self.entry.delete(0, tk.END)
        self.entry.insert(tk.END, str(result))

Syntax error in evaluation:

Problem: If the user enters an invalid expression that can't be evaluated, it will raise a SyntaxError.

Invalid Input 2

Solution: Catch SyntaxError and display an appropriate error message.

except SyntaxError:
messagebox.showerror("Error", "Invalid Expression")

NameError due to undefined variable:

Problem: The code checks for the '=' and 'C' buttons, but they're not defined in the button list.

Solution: Add the '=' and 'C' buttons to the list with their respective positions.

buttons = [
   ('=', 4, 2), ('C', 4, 0)

Missing import statement:

Problem: The code uses messagebox without importing it.

Solution: Import messagebox from tkinter.

from tkinter import messagebox

Unsupported operations:

Problem: The calculator allows arbitrary evaluation of expressions using eval(), which can lead to unintended consequences.

Solution: Restrict the input to a certain format or implement a safer method for evaluation, such as parsing the expression manually.
Here's a safer approach to evaluate expressions using ast.literal_eval():

import ast
def evaluate_expression(self, expression):
        return ast.literal_eval(expression)
    except (SyntaxError, ValueError):
        raise ValueError("Invalid expression")
def on_button_click(self, text):
    if text == '=':
            result = self.evaluate_expression(self.entry.get())
            self.entry.delete(0, tk.END)
            self.entry.insert(tk.END, str(result))
        except ValueError as e:
            messagebox.showerror("Error", str(e))


In conclusion, developing a simple calculator using Tkinter in Python, offers a practical introduction to GUI application development. Tkinter's intuitive design, coupled with its cross-platform compatibility, empowers developers to create interactive interfaces effortlessly. By leveraging Tkinter's event-driven model, we constructed a calculator with basic arithmetic operations, error handling, and clear functionality. Utilizing widgets like Entry and Button, we orchestrated a user-friendly interface, enhancing accessibility and the user experience.

Throughout the process, we capitalized on object-oriented programming principles, encapsulating functionality within the Calculator class. This modular approach facilitates code organization and maintenance, promoting scalability and extensibility. Moreover, the integration of error handling mechanisms, such as try-except blocks and message boxes, underscores the importance of robustness in software design. These measures ensure graceful handling of unexpected inputs, enhancing the calculator's reliability and user confidence.

By adhering to best practices and leveraging Tkinter's capabilities, we've crafted a functional calculator application that demonstrates the synergy between Python's versatility and Tkinter's simplicity. This endeavor serves as a springboard for aspiring developers to delve deeper into GUI programming and explore the myriad possibilities of Python's ecosystem.

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